17 Oct

Ugly Love is a 2014 New York Times bestselling romance novel by Colleen Hoover. It tells the story of Tate Collins, a young woman who moves in with her brother and his best friend Miles Archer, after a bad breakup. Tate and Miles have a complicated relationship from the start, but they eventually develop a strong attraction to each other. However, Miles refuses to be in a relationship, so Tate agrees to a casual arrangement with him. As they spend more time together, Tate and Miles begin to fall in love, but Miles is still haunted by his past and is afraid of getting close to someone. ugly love pdf

Plot Summary

Tate Collins moves in with her brother Corbin and his best friend Miles Archer after a bad breakup. Tate and Miles have a rocky start, but they eventually develop a strong friendship. Tate is drawn to Miles's mysterious and guarded demeanor, while Miles is intrigued by Tate's independent and spirited nature.

One night, Tate and Miles share a kiss, and their relationship takes a new turn. Miles tells Tate that he doesn't believe in love and that he only wants a casual arrangement with her. Tate agrees to his terms, even though she knows that she's falling in love with him.As they spend more time together, Tate and Miles's feelings for each other deepen. 

However, Miles is still haunted by his past and is afraid of getting close to someone. He lost his first love, Cap, to a tragic accident, and he has never been able to move on from her.Miles's fear of love starts to push Tate away, but she refuses to give up on him. 

She knows that he is a good person with a big heart, and she believes that he can heal from his past.In the end, Miles realizes that he loves Tate and that he is ready to be with her. He overcomes his fear of love and they start a relationship. Tate and Miles's love story is a reminder that even the ugliest love can be beautiful.

ugly love pdf


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